Some time ago (two years in fact) I compiled a bibliography of papers, with a focus on showing best-practices around usage of OCL. Surprisingly, most references are still relevant. I hope this list can be useful as a starting point for further exploration. The categories are listed in no particular order, with a selection of papers for each.
Configuration Management
- Felfernig, A.Extending Configuration Models using OCL
Technical Report KLU-IFI-2004-19 - Felfernig A., Friedrich G., Jannach D., Zanker M.
Configuration Knowledge Representation using UML/OCL
Proceedings Fifth International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language - theLanguage and its applications UML'2002, 2002, Dresden, Germany
OCL and AspectJ
- L. Briand, W. J. Dzidek and Y. Labiche,
Using Aspect-Oriented Programming to Instrument OCL Contracts in Java
Software Quality Laboratory, Carleton University, Technical Report(SCE-04-03), 2004
Refactoring OCL, OCL rewriting
- S. Markovic and T. Baar
Refactoring OCL Annotated UML Class Diagrams
Proceedings of MoDELS 2005, Vol. 3713, pp. 280-294, 2005 - M. Giese, D. Larsson
Simplifying Transformations of OCL Constraints
Proceedings of Models 2005, Montego Bay - Martin Giese, Reiner Hähnle, Daniel Larsson.
Rule-Based Simplification of OCL Constraints
UML2004 workshop on OCL and Model Driven Engineering, Lisbon.
OCL for software artifacts
- G. Antoniol, M. Di Penta, E. Merlo
YAAB (Yet Another AST Browser): Using OCL to Navigate AST
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Workshop on Program Comprehension, May 2003, Portland, Oregon (USA)
OCL for modeling of Software Architecture
- U. Zdun and P. Avgeriou
Modeling architectural patterns using architectural primitives
In Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems,
Languages & Applications (OOPSLA 2005), pages 133-146, San Diego, CA, USA,
October 2005. ACM Press
ORDBMS-based software repositories
- Ritter, N., Steiert, H.-P.
Enforcing Modeling Guidelines in an ORDBMS-based UML Repository
IRMA 2000, Anchorage, Alaska - OCL Support in MOF Repositories
OCL codifying business rules
- Enforcement of business rules in relational databases using constraints
Zimbrão G., Miranda R., Moreira de Souza J., Estolano M. H., Neto F. P.,
XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Bancos de Dados - Manaus,AM, Brasil - 2003
Translation of OCL to XQuery
- S. Sakr, A. Gaafar
Towards A Framework for Mapping Between UML/OCL and XML/XQuery
Generation of proof conditions
- Hamie A.
Towards Verifying Java Realizations of OCL-Constrained Design Models Using JML
Proc. 6th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
(SEA'2002), MIT, Cambridge, USA, 2002 - Hamie A.
Translating the Object Constraint Language into JML
SAC'04, 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 2004
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