Montag, 7. Mai 2007

OCL in Topcased 1.0.0M3, very first impressions

It all started with exploring the OCL editor:

(including the context menu "Evaluate rule on model", appears after right-clicking an OCL expression)

Then I noticed other use cases:
  • OCL Model Statistics
  • OCL Model Checker
which can be accessed through

Hopefully more details will appear once I'm done with the source code,

My conclusion so far is: Hey, this kind of blogging is not that time consuming!

1 Kommentar:

Mathias Panzenböck (panzi) hat gesagt…

This seems to be great and exactly what I would need to solve my homework for the university. Unfortunately it also seems to be completely broken and I can't get it installed because of dependency hell. The only Linux binary provided is 32bit. No one with a 64bit machine and Linux is using 32bit Linux anymore and 32bit support under Linux isn't that good -> I wasn't able to start the 32bit version. I tried to replace all the .so and other binary files with 64bit ones from but this didn't work either (failed with a log so long I would still read it if I would've read it).

I tried to use the update site in the bookmark file here as described in the installation guide:*checkout*/releng/org.topcased.releng/topcasedBookmarks.xml?root=topcased-mm

This had some missing requirements:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Topcased Experimental (incubation) 3.2.0.v200911301720 ( 3.2.0.v200911301720)
Missing requirement: AADL Core Plugin 1.4.10 (edu.cmu.sei.osate.core 1.4.10) requires 'bundle edu.cmu.sei.aadl.unparser 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Adele feature (incubation) 3.2.0.v200911301720 ( 3.2.0.v200911301720)
To: edu.cmu.sei.osate.core 1.4.8
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Topcased Experimental (incubation) 3.2.0.v200911301720 ( 3.2.0.v200911301720)
To: [3.2.0.v200911301720]

I tried to resolve them but nothing worked. At some point I got a conflict between something from and topcased OCL support.

I *really* need to evaluate some .xmi files against an .ocl file! I'm new to OCL so I can't just write it out of memory and hope it works. I'm not even 100% sure about some syntax!

I'm pretty desperate by now. Initially I tried to use an eclipse bundle provided by the university which includes MDT, EMF etc. But there seems to be no way to "run" a .ocl file there. There is only a OCL console where you can enter single expressions (so no recursive things that need names!). Eclipses documentation on this just describes a way to *program* an OCL editor (which some missing parts!). What a bad joke!

Anyway, it would be really nice if you (or someone who reads this) could tell me a way how to run an IDE that *really* supports OCL. Besides my Linux machine I could also use my mothers Mac, if I really have to.